Poetry Drafts

outside time and space

outside time and space / I exist not here / I exist not there / nowhere and everywhere / I close my eyes at sunrise / at dusk I come alive / in 2D space I roam / between pillars of ice / you will find my bones

for tomorrow

wrapping up the dinner plates / a whiff of port and fruit cake lingers / echoes of laughter ringing still / in silence I retire / making my bedding solely / preparing for a slumber rich / tomorrow a new day coming / I need vivid dreams this night / to make up the new lies / for tomorrow

We are all gods


One of the most beautiful realisations I’ve had

Is that there are worlds within us

That we can share through sights and sounds and ink

One of the most crippling observations I’ve had

Is that these worlds are so rarely seen

Because so few of us are able, and even fewer are willing

She was ever so haunted


Gravely shone her paling shadow,

          in silver whispers of death did her desire portray the beauty,

          the brevity of life,

                    and the briefest moments of love.

The perils of being human-

          born to live in this gloom,

and the shadows, the hidden echoes of pain

          that cry out to fulfill our doom.

In the haunting beauty of that invisible flame,

she cried,

          and on the shores of sweet delirium

          she lay, and softly died.



Blood rains from the dark sky
Racing down my windows
I’ve seen more shit than that
Bring it on, fuckers
Bring it on

I rose
And I rose
And I rose

Cockroaches surge from earth
Like a massive mudslide
I am more enduring
That’s all you’ve got, fuckers
Is that all

I rose
And I rose
And I rose

Tornadoes descend in mass
Ripping trees from the ground
I walk through with a yawn
I’m stronger than that
Bring it on, fuckers
Bring it on

I rose
And I rose
And I rose

Here is my secret
love was smeared in my face
innocence ripped from my gut
I’ve seen my soul dangle
Like a string behind me
And I rose
I rose
I rose
Like a kite on a string




“At the moment of conception, the story exists as a superposition of possibility, idly waiting for someone to crack it. Waiting for someone to skip to the last page.”

if you are bored…

On world poetry day

pick a writers blog; pick any

scroll to the end; no matter how long

There you might find a gem; something old

something worth a consideration

then share til your heart’s content

this day deserves it

Write like a Child


And she said she felt like a child
when she wrote
and i said

try and write like a child
try and write
with freedom and lack
of artifice
try and write without
the filters of adult experience
try and write
about the things that matter
however childish
they may seem

did we write
or think
about what might
when we were children
or are we only scared
now we are aged

is experience better
than innocence
and why does it seem
one only comes
at the expense
of the other

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