It always starts somewhere
Back then
was when it started
// I think to myself trying to find someone to blame //
Finding a hidden magazine in
My father’s bedside table
Tucked beneath a flyer of
Someone selling something
Back then; later
It continued when finding them
Offroad on parking lots used by
Older guts, smoking and drinking
Beer and driving around in their
Chevies and Buicks
Back then; later still
Internet Became
Newsgroup postings showing
More and more details
Expliciticity became the norm
Back then; yesterdayish
It’s in the phone and everyone’s
My nudity though still precious
Keeping me to myself
Because of the above or
Not is to be decided but
Surely I can blame some of what is
Me on finding that magazine
In my father’s bedside table
// Yes I do blame You //