
About Skies and Twilight

fruit fly eggs as the latest superfood!

where wet bulbs and swampmonster apps proliferate,

even vegans enjoy the seedlike pop.

tickety boo bobs yer uncle sam i am good to go

as Kate seeks the first person voice, i question the singularity. how easily i become scottish. im less stoic than before. i say whats on my mind. i drink less coffee. men on ladders look in my window fixing bricks. Kate would know how all this relates to adorno or kafka. She would mention her friend ann who writes books that people buy. She would mention her dog. i read Kate and weep. this reminds me of reading Kate and weeping. I mention painpain. painpain is a quebecois rabbit whose name translates as breadbread. or down the road perhaps, sandwichsandwich.

“if rilke does not understand, its because he does not want to understand.”

-marie darrieussecq/penny hueston

most likely a lover of pears


“how easily I become scottish“ – oh, it only takes me a bottle and another half of the same, to hear inside such voices… to express utterances of likeness… Am I already damned or just drunk without knowing ?

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