An expression of gratitude I present to you:
Picture a tree not fully grown,
Ripped from the earth with little resistance,
Placed upon a floor of twelve men seated,
Space left beneath its greenish branches,
A void I am about to fill: pay attention.I go about my day gathering spares,
Discarded paper to collate my thoughts,
To express my deepest thanks,
For the reading; and thinking of thoughts.I go gently into the darkened night,
under a blessed moon and her howling eyes,
I wonder as I wander of possibilities:
the if only, or the only then.The thoughts thus gathred,
Collected and collated,
I ink on empty papyrus to stack,
Unwrapped under a tree still standing.An expression of gratitude; a thanks,
From me,
To you,
For reading this; and for being true to you.โ