Two days of mayhem (part 1).

Adventures of a racing mind series

Being on the up, on a high, is from a bipolar perspective quite an interesting place to be. There are constantly new ideas popping up without resistance. Everything seems possible. Like yesterday when I decided that I should repair the fence in the communal area in my neighbourhood. It is a wodden fence which suffered the combined might of a car reversing into it followed by a visit from the local yoofs (slacker gang of young people with nothing better to do than ruin neighbourhoods). The repair was basically replacing four 6ft planks. In my head anyway…

While I was taking the measurements of the existing planks I started to think about how bad the fence would look with new and old planks mixed. I therefore decided that I should paint the fence after the repairs. Makes sense, right? It must look good as well as being functionally in order.

Next to the broken fence is another fence, and in that fence is a door. The door leads to my back garden. It is my door and it has never been painted since the property was built. So obviously it needs to be painted now, cause I am in the process of painting a fence anyway. Makes sense, right?

In my garden there are three bins, a blue for recycling, a green for grass and organic compostables, and a black for household rubbish. Keeping the bins in the back garden is not mandatory, I could have kept them in front of the house, garage or front garden but for aesthetical reason I tucked them away in the back garden.

The back garden is fully turfed, except for a small patio and a gravel area hosting a water but. Having made that statement I hope you deduced that the bins must have been placed on the grass? Correct. And after having kept the bins on the grass for a few years there is literary no grass left in the bin area. It is a sore sight indeed. But where there are problems there are obviously solutions, especially when your on a high… so I decided that I should put down a few paving slabs to make the bin area look a bit nicer. Makes sense, right?

So later yesterday evening I went online and researched how to put down patio slabs. Which tools I would need and the ingredients for this recipe for disaster. And I needed paint for the fence. And planks for the fence. During checkout at the DIY store I realised that they would be able to deliver for another 7 days. 7 days! But I need the stuff now. I’m need to repair the fence tomorrow. Paint tomorrow. Pave the day after at the latest. It need the stuff tomorrow!!!!! So I decided to change to click+collect instead of delivery as I needed the stuff now!!

The order confirmation email kindly informed me that I would get another email when the order was ready for pick-up. About 1 hour later. 1h. 1h. 1h. Relax, 1h is fine. You managed to order everything, relax. Breath. Breath… unfortunately the shop had already closed by the time I received the email so the pickup would have to wait till the morning.

Later that night when I couldn’t sleep due to the heat I started pondering on how I should transport the items I had ordered from the shop to my home. The planks were quite long, 12 ft. The slabs might also be quite bulky. Then there’s the sand, the base layer, cement, paint… Seemed to add up to quite a haul. Well the planks needs to be cut in half. 6ft long they can be kept in the car, possibly the hardtop needs to be removed (Which isn’t a problem as the summer is here!!!!). The sand and base layer I can place on the passenger seat. Slabs and paint in the boot. Sorted! Now let’s get some sleep.

4h later, still no sleep. Thinking about hauling this shit in my car. Yes to get sense of how ridiculous my plan was I need to describe the vehicle I intended to use. A two seater sports car with a minimal boot. If the hard-top is removed (my backup plan) the boot becomes unusable… but I had managed to transport lots of stuff from Ikea so it would probably work…

I managed to get a few hours sleep before the alarm went off. Excitement!

During breakfast I had the clever idea that I ought to take some measurements of the car interior and boot just to make sure my calculation were correct…

Planks, 6ft. No they won’t fit with roof on…

Slabs, fits in boot but nothing else will fit beside them…

Can everything fit on passenger seat with roof off? Nope. That is a No Never Ever scenario…

Sigh. What to do now?

Ok, I rent a van! I have done that before, successfully. Let’s order one online now!!!

I managed to find a van at enterprise-rent-a-car that I could pick up 1h later. Success. The gods are truly with me today. I picked up the van, the largest one possible unfortunately as they had none of my preferred sizes. Renault transporter thingy, extra long, extra wide, extra high. Shit.

But the drive went well and 45m later I turned up at the DIY store entrance.

Uhm. Two trollies… Those bags are quite large… fuck they are heavy, I mean heavy heavy. Thank god I have a van! Everything was much larger than I had expected. There was no way in hell that I would have been able to fit all this into the car. Phew.

Load shit. Huff n puff. Water. Water.

Drive home went well.

Unloading of shit went well.

Return of van went well.

Once back home the Amazon delivery had already arrived with more of last night’s online orders. I think I forgot to mention the power washer…

Yes the power washer. Obviously there was a need to order a power washer to clean the existing paving slabs around the house, now that I was going to add new, fresh ones. Makes sense, right? Anyway, it had also arrived…

After unpacking the zillion Amazon parcels I decided to do some painting, starting with the garden gate.

Put down paving protection.

Open bucket. Wow. That is quite red…





Coat one Done!

Close bucket.

Clean brush.

Gawd I’m tired. And hungry. I need to eat.

End of part 1

Part 2 will be posted tomorrow and contain more adventures of a raging mind…

– Making the spaghetti Bolognese

– Tumblr, disappointing prompts, stay or go, things that brings me down

– how to survive a summer heat wave

– fence repairs (probably)

– paving (maybe)

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