Ignorance wore a wig

There was no physical abuse as far as I can recall, though I lack certain insights to happenings prior to reaching the age of four. What I can clearly recall, and now also brand, is mental abuse, the use of silence to wreak havoc in an innocent kid. Imagine a child growing up in an environment where one parent would decide to go silent, go into hiding, not responding to asks, for weeks at time, would that not cause harm, long lasting worries, and permanent damage to any child? Such was the reality when I grew up, suppressing the details I think I have though special events keep floating to the surface. Throwing tantrums as anyone does when growing up, was recorded; put on tape and later replayed as part of the regime of parenting. Without going into any more details I will only say that permanent damage was done, I never had the courage to ask question, fearing anger and rejection so often the result when growing up.

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